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  • Writer's pictureRanee Twyford

Menstruation and Handpoke Tattoo

• Menstruation and Handpoke Tattoo

As a woman – I think this time makes us more sensitive physically and emotionally; whether you experience more pain or not is subjective and individual to each person.

"During your period, your hormone levels are shifted and you generally have more swelling throughout your body, which can cause a heightened sensation threshold and result in more pain during something like a tattoo." - Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin.

"Estrogen reaches a high point and a low point during the menstrual cycle. It causes changes in the skin by influencing its texture and thickness, as well as structural integrity and fluid balance. “ - Rodion Salimgaraev, MD

As a tattoo artist, I prefer not to tattoo while you are menstruating: I've noticed the excessive swelling, redness, ink not sitting in the skin like it usually does, and the process taking longer to reach the same level of saturation. I used to wonder if my clients had consumed alcohol prior as this produces the same kind of effect within the structure/integrity of the skin. I did some research I realised it was down to estrogen. I started asking my clients something a little more personal - almost everyone I asked if they were menstruating said - ‘Omg yeah, how did you know?!. From observations in my clinical practice, I have seen firsthand how the skin's integrity/ fluid levels do change at this time, the structure of the skin is different.

Traditionally menstruation/Moon time was sacred and honoured with rest and rejuvenation; I feel putting the body through a tattoo ritual when it is already doing something quite significant is a strain it does not need. The art of making a tattoo produces a wound, which activates and stimulates the immune system; as our womb is already going through a rebirth it can feel quite draining and leave you feeling vulnerable, energetically speaking. On a biological level, you are giving your body another area to heal.

Whether you suffer from pain/cramps is not the point, the change in hormones happens to everyone that has a cycle which causes changes in the skin structure, thus causing excess swelling and making it harder for the artist to apply the ink and potentially more general discomfort for the client.

The best way around this is to track your cycle and arrange your appointment for a time when you will not be bleeding; I know it is not easy for everyone to follow their cycle depending on their general health, birth control use/history, etc. but I would like to invite you to do so as a way of knowing yourself on a deeper level; Tracking your cycle and understanding how you flow through a month and bleed with the different phases of the moon is a powerful tool for personal empowerment/growth, it can help you live more aligned with your cyclical power.

Use a cycle tracker app or an old-fashioned pen and calendar.

I have a beautiful book my tutor gave me when I started to learn to tattoo – Im going to share a passage from this book; I recommend you read the whole thing - The book is called the tattooing arts of Tribal Women by Lars Krutak.

' Among the Yurok of California, for example, it has been made explicit that menstrual taboos and seclusions protected the creative spirituality of menstruous women from the influence of others in a more neutral state as well as protecting the latter in turn from the potent, positive, spiritual force ascribed to such women. Yurok women viewed seclusion not only as a means towards a spiritual and economic ascendancy but also as a way to enjoy a break from their normal labours around the household and agricultural fields. While in seclusion, they wove and enjoyed the camaraderies and gossip of other women. And as Buckley illustrates in his work on menstrual ‘Blood Magic’, menstruating Yurok women isolated themselves:

..because this is a time when [they are] at the height of [their] powers. Thus the time should not be wasted in mundane tasks and social distractions, nor should one's concentration be broken by concerns of the opposite sex. Rather all of one's energies should be applied [for ten days] in concentrated meditation “ to find the purpose of your life” and towards the “accumulation “ of spiritual energy. The menstrual shelter, or room, is “like the men’s sweat house,” a place where you go to make yourself stronger. As in traditional male sweathouse practice [ten days] or training (hohkep-), there are physical as well as mental aspects of “accumulation.” The blood that flows serves to “purify” the woman, preparing her for spiritual accomplishment. Again, a woman must use a scratching implement, instead of scratching absent-mindedly with her fingers, as an aid in focusing her full attention on her body by making even the most natural and spontaneous of actions fully conscious and intentional. “You should feel all of your body exactly as it is, and pay attention.”

When you enquire, I will write to say if any of the appointment dates fall when you are menstruating please let me know and - we will reschedule/find new dates. Due to the modern disconect sometimes periods can be elusive and, even with the best tracking come at times we least expect; it's not the end of the world if this does happen, but I will always suggest rescheduling the appointment for when you are not bleeding as this will ensure the best possible outcome for your tattoo experience.

Here are some fabulous Women with wonderful pages and tools to help give you a better understanding of your womb/menses/feminine power.

Blessings Moon' Sisters xo

Instagram Resources: @jasminaliciacarter @carlyraebeaudry @menstruationqueen @wombenwellness @theholisticvenus @kirstinhauser

References: The Tattooing Arts Of Tribal Women – Lars Krutak.

Blood Magic – Thomas Buckley.

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